Role reversal
Role reversal

Image by rlcasey (Access: 08.02.2010)
Short description
In role reversal participants have a chance to facilitate group discussions by taking up the role of a course facilitator. At the same time, the facilitator participates in all of discussions in the role of a learner (commenting, asking questions, answering, etc).
Process description
Learners are divided into groups (8 - 15 people).
To each of the groups, a leader is assigned (one of the given group members).
The facilitator creates either disscussion forum or chat room for the activity.
The facilitator emails each of the participants with the information about the activity, expectations of the facilitator and a list of learners from a group a given learner has been assigned to.
The course facilitator informs the learners that their peers will facilitate the activity.
The chosen facilitators have one or two days to prepare.
When they are ready, synchronous or asynchronous discussions on a given subject(s) begin. The "real" course facilitator also takes part in discussions.
At the end of the activity, each of the chosen group facilitators post at least three things they learned due to the experience of being the online course facilitator.
Required resources
discussion forum or chat
In this activity, also pairs or groups can play the role of a facilitator.