Find someone who ...
Find someone who ...

Image by iQoncept (Access: 05.11.2009)
Short description
An activity that helps to build up community amongst people in any online course. It motivates learners to search for information and meet other learners in the course.
Process description
Each learner sends to a facilitator email with the information that other participants are unlikely to know (e.g. MA degree in philosophy, four children, parachuting aficionado, etc.).
The facilitator emails each learner with some piece of information concerning one of the participants, he/she is to locate.
The learners now can ask questions on the discussion board helping them to find the person (they cannot, however, ask straightforward questions e.g. did anyone studied philosophy?). A learner may ask for clues such as: does anyone know Kant's ideas?
The facilitator monitors the whole discussion.
When the learners are ready to give their answers, the facilitator asks them to post the names on the discussion board.
Each learner reviews the postings checking whether other participants recognised him or her.
Required resources
online asynchronous discussion board
access to emails
The learners can also search for information connected with various courses they took part in and some previous experience with trainings.
The description of the activity „Find someone who...“ was prepared on the basis of R. Watkins's „75 e-learning activities“.